3 Steps to Heal and Regain a Loving Relationship After Infidelity Within 8 Weeks

Monday, December 9, 2019 6:00 PM EST


In This Masterclass



The Roadmap to rebuild trust and regain a loving relationship

What it looks like to get from point A: CRISIS to point B: LOVING RELATIONSHIP. An overall look at everything you need to do in order to regain trust and restart a new & healthier relationship.


Specific Steps to get you off the emotional rollercoaster and finally make progress

3 steps you can take to get you out of the rabbit hole and onto a clear pathway to healing your relationship and regaining trust. 


The top reasons why you're stuck in anger and hopelessness (and how to get past them)

The most common mistake couples make in the aftermath of infidelity that often stops them from healing and instead, gets them stuck in negative cycles.


The Blueprint for recovery for your relationship

Including 3 proven methods to get you out of the crisis and into strengthening your connection and achieving genuine forgiveness.

Are you tired of the ups and downs making your healing seem impossible?

Whether you feel stuck or frustrated with your ability to heal as a couple, or you struggle with having no idea on where to go now. You can use a couple of steps to pull you in the right direction and inspire hope back into your life and relationship.

Join me to finally learn what it takes to rebuild trust and enjoy a healthy loving relationship again. 


"I was looking for a step by step program to help us heal from infidelity. Iditā€™s program suggested a roadmap with phases and steps along each phase. Following all the steps got us to where we are today. It wasnā€™t easy, and there were ups and downs, but we made it safely to the other side. We have a new and much improved marriage today."


A Note From The Instructor...

Hi there, I know. I'm meeting you at a very difficult time in your life. Infidelity is life shattering. It often pushes couples to the edge of their ability to be hopeful and clear about how to heal. Couples and especially hurt partners often say that they are not sure if they can ever trust their betraying partners again.

As a couples therapist (LMFT) specializing in helping couples in the aftermath of infidelity, I've learned that when I present a you with a clear path, it awakens your trust in your ability to heal. 

That's why I carefully selected the very best from my knowledge about affair recovery for this masterclass. And I'm very excited to meet you inside and show you the steps!


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