Introducing the
The easy-to-follow roadmap that’s helped 100s of couples learn how to effectively express remorse and offer genuine forgiveness so they can begin trusting their partners again and bringing their relationships back from the brink
This is perfect for you if...
- You and your partner are committed to working on your relationship and making it through this experience, the Remorse Blueprint can help you take those first vital steps in the recovery process - regardless of whether you’re the hurt partner or the unfaithful partner.
- You have been stuck in the Apology/Forgiveness phase for days, weeks, months...even years, this roadmap can be the key to finally moving forward in your relationship.
Using this blueprint in my private practice has helped many of my clients see tremendous progress. Progress they thought was impossible even though they were desperate to make their relationships and marriages work. And very often much quicker than they dared to hope!
More importantly, the Remorse Blueprint is one of the steps that empowers couples to feel a kind of hope and clarity in their relationship that they haven’t felt in a while. They often tell me it feels like they can finally see a light at the end of a long, dark, and painful tunnel!
As a result of 1000s of hours of working with couples using this process in my own therapy practice, I have adapted the blueprint as an online resource that will help you achieve the same results my one-on-one clients experience.
All at your own pace and from the comfort, safety, and privacy of your own home.

That might not be what you expected me to say, am I right? It’s okay, stick with me for a moment and I’ll explain exactly what I mean…
The first step in recovering from an affair involves forgiveness. And forgiveness always starts with an apology, right? But that forgiveness has to be earned and saying or hearing “I am sorry” isn’t enough to start that process.
What do I mean by that?
Well you see, it’s all too common in this situation if you’re the hurt partner to either forgive too quickly or not forgive at all.
- If you forgive too quickly, you probably rushed through to this point just to feel some relief so you can move forward. But this will backfire when you realize that your quick and desperate “forgiveness” didn’t take away your festering resentment.
Looking into each other’s eyes and saying “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you” just isn’t enough.
- On the flip side, If you don’t forgive at all, then how do you even move forward? There’s no room for recovery and healing in this scenario
Both of these approaches are skipping a vital step.
If you miss this step you’re likely to suffer more pain and turmoil as the days, the months, and the years go by without real healing and without meaningful trust - for both of you.
But what if I told you it’s possible to start regaining that trust in just a few days? What if I offered you an actual roadmap that would allow you to learn simple ways to express genuine remorse so that your partner felt safe enough to truly begin forgiving?
In my clinical experience, I’ve found that people think the term remorse is just a fancy way to say “I am sorry.” That it’s just semantics. But that’s not how it works in reality.
You’ll recognize this if you’re the hurt partner who has listened to your unfaithful spouse say “I am sorry” for what might feel like a hundred times. But for you, each time feels flat. It doesn’t *feel* connected. And worst of all, it doesn’t allow you to release your resentment and forgive.
If you’re the one apologizing, you may be frustrated by how often this is asked of you. How many times do you need to say it? How can you say it so your partner understands it’s true? That you mean it, that you are deeply sorry?
This is exactly what you’ll learn when you follow the Remorse Blueprint…
6 steps to effective remorse expression (that help your partner to truly forgive)
This is going to be the cornerstone of your healthy recovery. By adopting my methods you’ll eliminate resentment and position yourself to end the crisis as quickly and effectively as possible so you can both move forward.
Multiple different ways to express remorse (because not everyone responds the same!)
Different people respond to expressions of remorse in different ways. Some approaches will work better for one couple, while others will resonate more with another couple. Try out the different tactics and see what works best for you and your partner.
How to build a clear path to recovery and forgiveness (because having a plan creates clarity)
One of the most frustrating parts of surviving infidelity is not knowing what to do next. That’s why I wanted to make sure to include a way for you to develop a plan of how you’ll find your way out and also a vision of what’s possible for your relationship in the future.
Common mistakes couples make with forgiveness (and how YOU can avoid them!)
We all think we know what forgiveness is, but we have a lot of wrong assumptions about it, what it represents, and how we can give it so we feel relief and peace of mind. Once we understand this we can avoid the common mistakes, pitfalls, and slip-ups that couples face during their recovery.

- The Remorse Expression video tutorial to show you the complete process
- The downloadable Remorse Blueprint Guide to help you take action
- “Fill-in-the-blank” example templates to craft your remorse message
- Instant Digital Access to all of the assets and resources
- Lifetime access available whenever and wherever you need it
Many couples manage to stay together after an affair. But the question then becomes will it be happily ever after or horridly ever after?
Because if the pain and betrayal of an affair has not been dealt with and resolved fully it will continue to fester within the relationship. Coming out and making itself known in large and small ways over the remaining years.
No one wants that kind of relationship.
Who wants to spend every night sleeping next to someone you can’t trust - or who doesn’t trust you? To come to loathe spending time with your partner because their constant snaps and comments remind you that they still hold you in contempt even though they’ve said they forgive you over and over? Or they’ve said they’re sorry so many times the word means nothing to you anymore?
With the clear guidance of the Remorse Blueprint, you and your partner can rebuild your trust.
You can express your remorse. And you can accept that remorse and truly forgive. Together you’ll both build a newer, stronger, more intentional trust that leads to a richer, more meaningful relationship. It IS possible...
Are you ready to take that first step?

"It gave us a way to save our marriage by facing not only the infidelity but the root cause of it while still being able to face and own the responsibility of the infidelity. We can recognize when we are slipping back into old habits and we have concrete tools to use.
We love that we can do the course in the privacy of our own home. [It] allowed us to acknowledge hurt, be more truthful with each other and helped us find a way after 30 years to dream together and stay strong together. I think the communication tools you provide would be useful for a lot of marriages not just those touched by infidelity.
I'm not going to say everything was easy… to heal enough to want to continue to work and fight for what we spent 30 years building."
Shannon and Rob

"We had seen a therapist originally and feel she got us through the initial crisis but then it seemed like we were going backwards and not communicating properly. I was having problems expressing remorse and my husband didn't feel he had an outlet to express himself. I felt attacked all the time and defensive.
This course has given us a clear guide with simple to follow steps. We both feel hope that no matter the outcome at the end we will be stronger individually and better able to communicate between ourselves and others.
There is still a bit of pain and doubt but we are looking forward to talking to each other and working through the process. I recommend that you really put your trust in the process."
Allie and John*

"...I was spending my time crying, raging at my spouse, and trying to get any piece of advice to get me better. I was ready to end it because I didn’t think I was able to move past the infidelity. Slowly but surely, we learned to trust Idit and allow her to guide us through the roughest times in our lives. We reinvented our marriage and it has been better than ever before. I told Idit we have God to thank first and then her."
L and M*
Hi, I'm Idit.
I wanted to introduce myself before we go any further because this is such a personal subject that I feel you should know who I am.
No doubt I am meeting you at a very difficult time. Perhaps the worst time of your lives? Infidelity is life-shattering. It burns up more than just your relationship...it impacts the kids, your family, your friends, your job...your sanity. Nothing seems to escape its flame.
As a licensed couples therapist (LMFT) I specialize in helping men and women survive infidelity.
I’ve seen couples pushed to the brink and beyond. I’ve seen couples desperate to move forward but unable to trust again. Couples that feel like they’re stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster of emotion that is out of control and utterly unbearable.
I help those couples move forward by learning how to express genuine, believable remorse in an authentic and tangible way.

This is the missing vital step that finally enables the hurt partner (that’s the term I use) to truly accept the betraying partner’s remorse - so that both of you can begin to heal and build a more meaningful foundation of trust.
It’s my mission and my passion to help you both take that first vital step toward recovery and relief.